Sunday, October 27, 2013

What To Do If I Can Not Sleep? - Insomnia

Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which the patient has an inability to fall asleep, stay asleep or sleep of poor quality . More than 30% of US population suffers from insomnia and it is estimated  2,767,350 person in Malaysia with insomnia symptoms. Most of the insomnia patient is also having symptoms of anxiety, depression, poor concentration and exhaustion. Insomnia caused significant impact on psychological well being and daily functional impairment. It can lead to memory problems, increased risk of heart disease and automobile related accidents

3 types of insomnia

a) Transient insomnia
     Temporary or short duration of sleep disorder. Usually cause by stress, change of environment or encounter with unexpected events

b) Secondary insomnia
     Insomnia caused by another disorder such as anxiety or depression

c) Primary insomnia
    Insomnia with unknown origin  

Cause Of Insomnia

a) Psychological condition
     stress, guilt, bereavement and other emotion interruption could cause acute or chronic insomnia

b) hormone imbalance
    menstruation, menopause

c) medical condition
    pain, constipation, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, brain injury

c) use of psychoactive substance
    caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, drugs

d) withdrawal of drugs
    pain killer, anti-anxiety drugs

e) poor sleep condition
    noise, exercise before sleep

Treatment Of Insomnia

a) Pharmacological treatments for insomnia
     Medication are effective to reduce symptoms of acute insomnia. However, it is not recommended for long term use as it may resulting to medication dependency and the body immune to the prescribed drugs. Other side effects are drowsiness, allergic and change of mood. Medication does not address the root of insomnia.

b)Non pharmacological treatment for insomnia
   This method is superior than pharmacological treatments as the effect is long lasting and usually find solution to address the root of insomnia.This include appropriate exercise, relaxation technique, acupuncture, pay attention to sleep hygiene and behavioral intervention.

Use Of Hypnosis In Insomnia
Hypnosis tools and technique is very applicable to treat insomnia in the below areas
a) induce natural sleep
b) find the psychological root cause of insomnia with un-conscious mind
c) condition the body to specific sleeping routine
d) reduce anxiety, stress and other emotion issues which affect sleeping
e) eliminate psychological root cause such as post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorder, depression and obsessive compulsive disorder

With appropriate psychotherapy intervention, you can gain back your quality of life.

Reference :   Treating Insomnia With Hypnosis In Malaysia
                      Natural Healing For Insomnia

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder With Hypnosis

Extrapolations of prevalence and incidence statistics suggested that we have 285,383 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder patient in Malaysia. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is an anxiety disorder with 2 components :

   Obsessive - intrusive thoughts, feeling which cause tension, fear, anxiety or uneasiness

    Compulsive - repetitive action or behaviours to prevent or ease the intrusive thought
                           or discomfort

Usually the patient is aware of the obsessive compulsive behaviour which is unreasonable but will not be able to control. Compulsive symptom could be time consuming, causing emotion and financial distress which results to social impairments.

The most common compulsive behaviours are : repeatedly checking
                                                                           : excessive washing or cleaning
                                                                           : arrange and re-arranging
                                                                           : preoccupation with sexual

It is believe that traumatic experiences during childhood contribute to the development of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Medication such as tricyclic antidepressant clomipramine or psychotherapeutic intervention could appropriately treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Combination of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) and relevant hypnosis technique could effectively eliminate intrusive thoughts, compulsive behaviour and go into the root cause of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to reintegrate dissociated material from possible traumatic past experience.

With the use of Clinical Hypnosis technique, therapeutic session could significantly reduced as compared to pure conventional psychotherapy sessions, as Clinical Hypnosis is able to make change deep into the subconscious level of the mind.

Reference : Obsessive Compulsive treatment in Malaysia