Friday, September 18, 2015

Effective Treatment For Phobia With Clinical Hypnosis

What Is Phobia?

Phobia is an abnormal overwhelming fear invoked by an object, place or a situation whereby it is :
     1)  unrealistic sense of danger about a situation or object but rational cannot be explained
     2) beyond one's control
     3) force the individual to keep away or avoid the object, place or situation

In severe case, the individual will organize their daily activity to avoid encounter with the phobia situation. This will limit their social flexibility and increased tension in daily life.
As fear is a natural survival instinct, phobia is considered as a maladaptive expression of this natural life protecting capability
Types Of Phobias
Basically we can classify phobias into :

    a) Agoraphobia
           - fear of the environment such as open space, bridges, airport, meeting rooms and unfamiliar places

    b) Social Phobia
           - fear of social situation such as  gathering, speech in front of people, eating in public

   c) Specific Animal Phobias
           - irrational fear on particular animals such as spider, mice, cockroach  or snakes

   d) Natural Environment Phobia
            - fear of heights, water, lightning, thunder or darkness

    e) Situational Phobias
             - fear of flying, dental treatment, go inside a tunnel or injection         

What Are The Causes Of Phobia?

Phobia may caused by
      a)  association of an object or situation  with danger or life threatening
      b)  learned response from somebody who serve as a role model or close contact
      c)  prolong stress about an object, place or situation manifest into phobia in order for the sufferer to avoid facing it
      d)  experience from past trauma
What Are The Treatments For Phobia?

Treatment for phobia can classify into 2 categories

   a) Medication
           - although there are no truly effective medication for treatments of phobia, antidepressant, sedatives and adrenaline suppressant may be  prescribe to reduce  symptoms of phobia and regulate moods. However, side effect and addiction about medication may against long  term admission of drugs.

    b) Psychology Treatments
             - some psychology treatment such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Psychodynamic, Mindfulness Training and Clinical Hypnotherapy may be effective to treat Phobia
Treatment Of Phobia With Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy is effective to help phobia sufferer because this treatment is working with the subconscious mind which govern our conditioned responses and behaviours.

The Clinical Hypnotherapist will facilitate for the patient to look at their phobic response in a more neutral way.  He may regress the patient in trance to find out what was the trigger or cause of the phobia if the patient could not identify or remember in awaken state. Relaxation procedure will be incorporate because phobic disorder is types of anxiety disorder. After gaining insights about cause of phobia or phobic trigger factors, the Clinical Hypnotherapist will desensitise the phobic provoking factors for the patient and reprocess any stuck  emotion about their problematic past events in a safe set up. Selective positive suggestions will be given to subconscious mind of the patient  to strengthen their inner resources in order to face future life challenges in a more appropriate way.
Reference : Treatment For Phobia with Clinical Hypnosis in Malaysia

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Use Of Hypnosis For Psychogenic Infertility Treatments

What is Psychogenic Infertility

Psychogenic Infertility refers to infertility due to psychological factors. When both female & male certified by a doctor on fit for fertility and still no conception after 12 months of appropriate timed intercourse, Psychogenic Infertility may play a predominant role in it.

Other Cause Of Infertility
Stress, poor diet, side effect of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, lack of sleep, obesity. exposed to certain chemical such as pesticides

How Serious Is Psychogenic Infertility?
Infertility rate in US is about 16%. In Britain, the medical circles beliefs that Psychogenic Infertility contributed between 5% to 50% for infertile couples.

What Are The Effect Of Infertility?
Infertility may cause marital crisis, low self-esteem, sense of failure, psychological stress, shame, anxiety and depression.

How Could Psychology Affect Conception
Conscious level : stress or anxiety cause hormone imbalance, stiff muscle, low blood flow to vital organs,

Sub-conscious  : various subconscious value or beliefs can manifest into infertility
                            - negative image towards being a mother or father
                            - fear of losing current status
                            - secondary gain such as getting more attention or care from certain party
                             - past un-resolve trauma
                             - memory associated with child abused

Why Hypnotherapy Can Help In Psychogenic Infertility?
The Hypnotist will find out all possible psychology cause related to Psychogenic Infertility at both conscious and sub-conscious level. With this, the hypnotist will re-frame all negative beliefs about being a mother/father, boost self-confident on ability to fertility, resolve any traumatic or child abused memory, build true desire toward fertility and reduce stress level to be conceived.

How Effective May Hypnotherapy Works For Psychogenic Infertility? .
The results depend on the cause and response rate of the patient. However, stress level could be effectively reduced from day 1 of the therapy.

Where Can I Find A Qualify Hypnotherapist
You can check in the website and insist on Clinical Hypnotherapist.  Unlike general hypnotherapists, Clinical Hypnotherapist specialize in use of scientifically proven protocol to help patient overcome psychosomatic symptoms, boost self esteem, release psychological burden. let go of unwanted habits and re-construct belief system.

   Reference : Treatment Of Psychogenic Infertility With Hypnosis In Malaysia