Sunday, August 7, 2022

Clinical Hypnotherapy For Cancer Management

 An eclectic process involving complementary therapies could be more effective than solely rely on radiotherapy or chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer. Apart from holistic approaches such as right diet and right amount of physical exercise, Clinical Hypnotherapy could be considered as an effective complementary treatment for patient with cancer to help them in the area of psychological wellbeing thus improve their quality of life.


Clinical Hypnotherapy could be helpful to help the cancer patient in:


Very often, a person diagnosed with cancer are engaged in the phase of denial as a defense mechanism. This behavior ignore the reality to avoid anxiety or troubling feelings. They may reject support, refuse treatment, avoid talking about their condition or unwilling to change their lifestyle. Denial may be useful in short term to allow a person to adapt to a new situation and move on. However, prolonged denial may cause the illness to worsen because of not taking appropriate actions. Clinical Hypnotherapy could help a person to obtain a neutral and calm stage of mind to observe their issue thus able to choose the best possible solution effectively. When a person accepts their situation, changes will take place and the energy could effectively focus on healing.



Forgiving yourself means letting go of the self-blaming thoughts and emotions associated with the unfortunate event. With self forgiveness, a person is able to let go of the resentment or anger and find peace from within. It may be easier to forgive others but difficult to forgive themselves because that means a person has to accept their imperfection as well. There are many Clinical Hypnotherapy tools able to promote self-love thus leading to self-forgiveness.



Anxiety is a natural human response to uncertainty on future event or threat. Anxiousness may lead to avoidance or being unable to do certain tasks or activities which may lead to decrease in quality of life. Cancer patient often has anxiety while undergoing cancer screening test, waiting for test results, undergoing cancer treatment, feeling of body discomfort, worry about recurrence of cancer or fear of death. Anxiety may create symptoms of nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, insomnia and increased feelings of pain. Clinical Hypnotherapy is one of the most effective ways to help a person manage anxiety.


Depressed Mood

Depressed mood naturally occurs when a person lost something that is important in their life.  Symptoms of depressed mood are feelings of sadness, powerless, difficult to sleep or loss of interest in almost all the activities. They often interpret things negatively and has a pessimistic outlook on their future. Clinical Hypnotherapy could lead a person see their situation from a different perspective and gain insight to expand their resilience toward mood swing. 


Minimize Side Effect Of Treatment

Clinical Hypnotherapy may be effective to eliminate or reduce side effects of chemotherapy or radiation treatments such as nausea, pain, tiredness, hair loss and loss of appetite. Direct suggestion technique could be used to communicate with the body and mind on the expected positive outcome from the treatments thus influence the result at the subconscious level. Clinical Hypnotherapy can help the patient to be more relaxed and confident thus improving the immune system’s ability to fight against cancer.


Pain Management

Pain is very common in cancer patients. This symptom can be caused by tumors or cancer treatment related factors such as surgery, intravenous chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiation therapy or diagnostic procedures.  Severe pain will affect quality of life and ability to function even after treatment ends. In fact, cancer pain could classified into physical pain and mental suffering. Clinical hypnotherapy could help with pain management by effectively reduce mental suffering and reframe the meaning of physical pain.


Self Confidence

Cancer patient may lose self-confidence upon being diagnosed with cancer. Furthermore, cancer treatment may jeopardize their physical looks such as scars from the surgery, hair loss, unusual body weight and pale complexion. This may negatively impact on their self-esteem and confidence. Clinical Hypnotherapy could help the patient shift the focus to helpful emotions such as sense of appreciation, gratitude, and love to their body to promote healing. Certain patients may start to explore their life purpose when facing severe challenges in their life and move toward spiritual growth.  


Create Helpful Behaviour

Our mind divided into 2 parts, that is conscious and subconcious mind. Conscious mind process logical information and subconcious mind govern our perception, emotion, response, habit, behaviour and actions based on our past experience or belief system. As the habit and behaviour are govern by the subconscious mind, it is very difficult to change a person’s habit or behavior just by advising them with the logical rational. Clinical hypnosis could communicate with the subconscious mind effectively to gain new insight and desire thus move on with more helpful behaviours for healing.  


Palliative Care 

Some patients with advanced cancer may choose palliative care to relieve symptoms and suffering caused by cancer instead of cure until the end of their life journey. It is very important to relief a patient under palliative care in three aspects which is physical suffering, emotion disturbing and spiritual uncertainty. Clinical hypnotherapy could help in those three aspects by managing pain, attain calm stage of mind and strengthen their spiritual belief. 

Reference : Complementary Therapy for Cancer In Malaysia

Website :

Tel : +60136882577  Roger Tang

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Clinical Hypnosis As An Effective Performance Enhancement Technique

Stress, fear, worry, lack of confidence and negative perception will affect the ability of a person to perform. These emotions and perceptions are governed by the subconscious mind thus it is very difficult to rectify the issue by providing logical reasoning which is processed by the conscious mind. Clinical Hypnosis is an effective technique to communicate with the subconscious mind that responsible for performance issues. Through Clinical Hypnotherapy technique, negative emotion can be effectively eliminated and unhelpful perceptions are replaced with positive perceptions that can influence the performance in a positive manner. Examples of performances that could be effectively enhance with Clinical Hypnotherapy are sports, public speaking and examination.

Enhance Sport Performance with Clinical Hypnotherapy
In 1977, The Times newspaper reported that The Russian Olympic team use hypnosis as a performance enhancing tool to win against US athletic team. Hypnosis trains the mind to relax and focus while performing the sport activities. Vivid image of winning could be created with hypnosis for the athlete to experience the good feeling of winning in vitro thus increase the desire to win. Stuck emotions of negative past experience will be processed and helpful beliefs will be installed to improve the confidence to strive.

Overcoming The Fear Of Public Speaking
The ability to speak in the public is essential for certain jobs and positions. It is an effective tool to share ideas and influence the audience in a group setting. Glossophobia is fear of public speaking and it can be triggered when lots of people are paying attention to the presenter. The root cause is the fear of embarrassment in front of a crowd, worries of making mistakes or being judged by their audience which gives anxiety in turn. Usually the presenter has unpleasant past experience speaking in the public and the fear is a self-protective mechanism to prevent them from getting caught in a potential embarrassment event in front of a crowd again. The subject may have ability or skills to speak publicly but lack of confidence to deliver due to negative self-perception about public speaking. The presenter may show symptoms like nausea, acute hearing, heart palpitation, breathless, stiffening of neck muscles, body shaking and dry mouth during presentation.
Clinical hypnotherapy can regress the subject back to the past unpleasant event and re-experienced it in a safe manner. This will help them to see the said experience in a different prospective leading to new insights and change the perceptions. The clinical hypnotherapist will facilitate the subject for self-forgiveness and built new helpful beliefs to move on. In such a way, he/she will be able to free from the influence of past unpleasant experience. Incidentally, the clinical hypnotherapist will pseudo orientate the subject to experience a successful public speaking in order to create positive self-beliefs and confidence to face the audiences.

Enhance Academic Performance With Clinical Hypnosis
Appropriate levels of anxiety are needed for a person to perform better as it is an inborn mechanism for human being to overcome perceived challenges. Anxiety will motivate a student to allocate time for study, stay focused and give priority to study. However, once anxiety reaches excessive levels, performance will decrease dramatically. Heighten anxiety will make a student has difficulty to study and unable to process and answer the examination questions efficiently.
Clinical Hypnotherapy is very effective to help the student to mitigate anxiety, stay focus and maintain a clear mind. With this attribute, a student can study, understand and remember the subjects studied better. When facing examination, a calm and clear mind will be able to understand the question and operate at optimum level to achieve full possible potential. Besides overcoming anxiety, Clinical Hypnotherapy can be used to improve self-confidence and motivation to achieve desired result.

Reference: How to improve performance with clinical hypnosis in Malaysia
Tel : +60136882577  Roger Tang

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Mindfulness as Effective Stress and Anxiety Reducing Technique

Stress and Anxiety occurred when there is a gap between Expectation and Reality. In order to reduce the Stress or Anxiety, we can either close the gap by setting a more realistic expectation or improve the status of reality. When a thing doesn’t happen according to the expectation, we will be receiving unpleasant experience and stress. Some people may be able to cope with the stressful feeling and set recovery actions to solve the issue. However, certain people may start to judge himself and create negative self remarks. This behavior will further increase their stress and anxiety.

In 1979, Jon Kabat-Zinn founded the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program at the University of Massachusetts to treat the chronically ill. This program sparked the application of mindfulness practices in Medicine. Mindfulness is a technique to connect with the current moment and we will be able to be aware of the event, our thought, emotion and body sensation associated with the event. We can easily utilize body sensation or breathe to obtain mindfulness. It trains us to look and accept things as they are without judging and expectation. In this way, we are able to see things in a non-personal and more neutral way. Right decision and choice could be made leading to increase of performance efficiency. The end result of mindfulness practice enable us to take conscious decision instead of habitual reaction. It brings the awareness about “we have the choice to choose” and create our emotion reality. We can still allow ourselves thinking and planning, the difference is we do it mindfully instead of in an unaware, random, distracted and stray away manner.

Mindfulness practice could cultivate our capacity of acceptance and compassion. The acceptance and compassion not only towards other people or events, more importantly is about we need to learn how to accept our self and have compassion on our past behaviors. Self-support, kindness and compassion will motivate and strengthen our ability to cope with negative situation.

When an unfavorable event happened, a primary thought will form in response to the event. If a person habitually form a secondary thought which linked to negative belief about self such as “I am no good”, then the self-critic such as “I am a life failure, this thing is not going to be a success” will kick in making him feel powerless and even more stressed. To the extreme, panic attack may happen and the patient will not be able to function normally. Mindfulness practice will enable a person to hold their experience and thought, up to primary thought level only. This will eliminate occurrence of the unnecessary habitual secondary thought thus prevent the stress or anxiety to escalate.

Mindfulness connects us to current moment. This technique provides the avenue to disconnect us from unfavorable past which create depressed emotion and uncertainty future which make a person anxious. It is a very useful non-religious exercise that built inner strengths to reduce stress and anxiety. With proper guidance on the technique, everyone could practice mindfulness anytime, anywhere with a clear mind to achieve body, emotion and mental well being.

Reference: Mindfulness Technique for Stress and Anxiety in Malaysia
Tel :+60136882577   Roger Tang

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Treatment For Eating Disorders with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Types Of Eating Disorders
Two major eating disorders are Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. The root cause of these eating disorders is unhealthy beliefs or cognitive view leading to a strong desire to control food intake and body weight.

Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia patient often view themselves as fat even though is seriously underweight. They have intense fear of gaining weight and ignore potential health risk such as renal failure, cardiovascular issues and hair loss. Starvation and excessive exercise are common method engaged to control their shape or body weight. The patient usually has depressive mood and obsessive towards certain behaviour. Their perfectionist beliefs created sense of insecurity lose control in life and negative self-evaluation. Certain patient may experience trauma in their early life.     

The Common Unhealthy Beliefs For Anorexia Patient Are:
·              * I must be thin, if I am not then I am a failure
·              * I must be in control of my weight, if I am not then I am worthless
·              * I must control my weight, if I am not , people will not accept me

Treatment for anorexia nervosa with Cognitive Behavior Therapy mainly focus on helping the client to see the short term and long term consequences of their behavior. Motivate the client to change with the Cost Benefit analysis. Establish a mutual agreeable weight gain target which is gradual and realistic. All related unhealthy beliefs would need to identified, challenged and disputed. Nurture health beliefs as a base for changes. Patient will impart with appropriate problem solving skills and rebuilt their self-esteem to face the future challenges in life.   

Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia patient would eat large amount of food and engage inappropriate compensatory behavior such as self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives or excessive exercise in order to prevent gaining weight. Binge and purge cycle often accompanied with senses of helpless, shame and guilt. The action is usually carried out in secret and fear of being found out. The patient is obsessed about their shape and body weight and use the binge and purge to gain sense of satisfaction.

The Common Unhealthy Beliefs For Bulimia Patient Are:
·               * I must be control of my weight, If I am not then I am not controlling my live
·              * I must not purge or vomit, I am worthless for not managing it
·              * I must not feel uncomfortable or have negative emotion, eating could eliminate these negative feelings

Treatment for bulimia nervosa with Cognitive Behavior Therapy could help the patient to see the consequences and effect of beinge eating and purging. Set mutual agreeable eating plan and stop dieting is necessary as part of the treatment. The therapist will help the patient to identify root cause of emotion dissatisfaction and issue of self-worth with the unhealthy beliefs behind it. All the unhealthy beliefs will be disputed and a set of helpful beliefs will be installed. Technique such as mindfulness eating and emotion tracking could break the behavior pattern and lead to change of attitude, behavior and lifestyle. 

Reference : Treatment For Anoroxia Nervosa in Malaysia
                   Treatment For Bulimia Nervosa in Malaysia   

Website :
Tel : +60136882577   Roger Tang

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Effective Treatment For Eating Disorders With Hypnosis

Eating disorder could effectively treated with Clinical Hypnosis as it is the result of miss conceptual of the mind about body weight. 2 common types of eating disorders are Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa.

 Eating disorder may be a result of the below factors :

     1) Lost and want control in their life. Use eating and weight control to gain satisfaction of control and self confident

     2)  Dysfunctional family background . Use certain eating style to express their feeling

     3) Social pressure from  family, culture and media over emphasize on thin body shape, being criticized by peers or occupational image

     4) Coping strategy for emotion stress, financial pressure, physical illness, bereavement and anxiety

     5)  Being emotional or sexually abused 

     6) Secondary from depression, obsessive personality or drug abused

     7) Genetics or serotonin receptors imbalance

Treatment For Anorexia Nervosa . Anorexia Nervosa patient usually have family issues, low self esteem,  don't know how to reject request, having control issue in their life and possible having traumatic experience in their childhood. Clinical Hypnotherapy could help the patient to strengthen their self esteem, provide assertive training, clear psychology burdens, process past traumatic issue, re-frame their concept about body weight and promote healthy eating habit. Certain Clinical Hypnotherapy technique such as ego state therapy could assist to understand the root cause of their eating disorder and effective counter measure could be engage to help them look at their life in a different way.

Treatment for Bulimia Nervosa - Bulimia Nervosa often broke their self imposed eating rules with impulsive binge eating. dissociating happen during the binge episode followed by guilt and stress. Depression, anxiety and low self esteem are always associate with bulimia nervosa, Clinical hypnotherapy technique such as Solution Focus  Therapy could effectively help the Bulimia Nervosa patient to establish their healing path. After this, Clinical Hypnotherapist will help the patient to re-integrate their dissociated  part and strengthen their will power.  Technique such as EMDR could be use to reprocess and restructure their past experiences and direct suggestion to stop binge eating will be given in trance for the subconscious mind to execute effectively. With Clinical Hypnotherapy technique, change is made deep into the subconscious level to ensure long lasting effect.

Reference : Treatment For Anorexia Nervosa in Malaysia
                    Treatment For Bulimia Nervosa in Malaysia

Friday, September 18, 2015

Effective Treatment For Phobia With Clinical Hypnosis

What Is Phobia?

Phobia is an abnormal overwhelming fear invoked by an object, place or a situation whereby it is :
     1)  unrealistic sense of danger about a situation or object but rational cannot be explained
     2) beyond one's control
     3) force the individual to keep away or avoid the object, place or situation

In severe case, the individual will organize their daily activity to avoid encounter with the phobia situation. This will limit their social flexibility and increased tension in daily life.
As fear is a natural survival instinct, phobia is considered as a maladaptive expression of this natural life protecting capability
Types Of Phobias
Basically we can classify phobias into :

    a) Agoraphobia
           - fear of the environment such as open space, bridges, airport, meeting rooms and unfamiliar places

    b) Social Phobia
           - fear of social situation such as  gathering, speech in front of people, eating in public

   c) Specific Animal Phobias
           - irrational fear on particular animals such as spider, mice, cockroach  or snakes

   d) Natural Environment Phobia
            - fear of heights, water, lightning, thunder or darkness

    e) Situational Phobias
             - fear of flying, dental treatment, go inside a tunnel or injection         

What Are The Causes Of Phobia?

Phobia may caused by
      a)  association of an object or situation  with danger or life threatening
      b)  learned response from somebody who serve as a role model or close contact
      c)  prolong stress about an object, place or situation manifest into phobia in order for the sufferer to avoid facing it
      d)  experience from past trauma
What Are The Treatments For Phobia?

Treatment for phobia can classify into 2 categories

   a) Medication
           - although there are no truly effective medication for treatments of phobia, antidepressant, sedatives and adrenaline suppressant may be  prescribe to reduce  symptoms of phobia and regulate moods. However, side effect and addiction about medication may against long  term admission of drugs.

    b) Psychology Treatments
             - some psychology treatment such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Psychodynamic, Mindfulness Training and Clinical Hypnotherapy may be effective to treat Phobia
Treatment Of Phobia With Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy is effective to help phobia sufferer because this treatment is working with the subconscious mind which govern our conditioned responses and behaviours.

The Clinical Hypnotherapist will facilitate for the patient to look at their phobic response in a more neutral way.  He may regress the patient in trance to find out what was the trigger or cause of the phobia if the patient could not identify or remember in awaken state. Relaxation procedure will be incorporate because phobic disorder is types of anxiety disorder. After gaining insights about cause of phobia or phobic trigger factors, the Clinical Hypnotherapist will desensitise the phobic provoking factors for the patient and reprocess any stuck  emotion about their problematic past events in a safe set up. Selective positive suggestions will be given to subconscious mind of the patient  to strengthen their inner resources in order to face future life challenges in a more appropriate way.
Reference : Treatment For Phobia with Clinical Hypnosis in Malaysia

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Use Of Hypnosis For Psychogenic Infertility Treatments

What is Psychogenic Infertility

Psychogenic Infertility refers to infertility due to psychological factors. When both female & male certified by a doctor on fit for fertility and still no conception after 12 months of appropriate timed intercourse, Psychogenic Infertility may play a predominant role in it.

Other Cause Of Infertility
Stress, poor diet, side effect of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, lack of sleep, obesity. exposed to certain chemical such as pesticides

How Serious Is Psychogenic Infertility?
Infertility rate in US is about 16%. In Britain, the medical circles beliefs that Psychogenic Infertility contributed between 5% to 50% for infertile couples.

What Are The Effect Of Infertility?
Infertility may cause marital crisis, low self-esteem, sense of failure, psychological stress, shame, anxiety and depression.

How Could Psychology Affect Conception
Conscious level : stress or anxiety cause hormone imbalance, stiff muscle, low blood flow to vital organs,

Sub-conscious  : various subconscious value or beliefs can manifest into infertility
                            - negative image towards being a mother or father
                            - fear of losing current status
                            - secondary gain such as getting more attention or care from certain party
                             - past un-resolve trauma
                             - memory associated with child abused

Why Hypnotherapy Can Help In Psychogenic Infertility?
The Hypnotist will find out all possible psychology cause related to Psychogenic Infertility at both conscious and sub-conscious level. With this, the hypnotist will re-frame all negative beliefs about being a mother/father, boost self-confident on ability to fertility, resolve any traumatic or child abused memory, build true desire toward fertility and reduce stress level to be conceived.

How Effective May Hypnotherapy Works For Psychogenic Infertility? .
The results depend on the cause and response rate of the patient. However, stress level could be effectively reduced from day 1 of the therapy.

Where Can I Find A Qualify Hypnotherapist
You can check in the website and insist on Clinical Hypnotherapist.  Unlike general hypnotherapists, Clinical Hypnotherapist specialize in use of scientifically proven protocol to help patient overcome psychosomatic symptoms, boost self esteem, release psychological burden. let go of unwanted habits and re-construct belief system.

   Reference : Treatment Of Psychogenic Infertility With Hypnosis In Malaysia